28 - 31 August 2013
Torino, Italy

RS08 – Gendering Varieties of Capitalism and Varieties of Gender Regimes

Heidi Gottfried ag0921@wayne.edu Wayne State University, Detroit, USA
Sylvia Walby s.walby@lancaster.ac.uk Lancaster University, Lancaster, UK

Gendering institutional architectures of capitalism provide a stronger edifice for building a more inclusive and integrative framework to consider the structuring influence of gender relations within and across households, states, civil societies and firms. The type of welfare state regime, gender regime, and variety of capitalism are consequential for determining the relative “inclusion and exclusion” of different groups or configuration of inequalities.

Papers are welcomed addressing one or more of the following questions: What do we gain or lose from different methodological and interpretive strategies and from conducting research at different levels of analysis (micro, meso and macro)? What temporal concepts (such as tipping points) or complexity theory are appropriate? How do varieties of gender regimes affect different trajectories? Does the social organization of care (structures of social reproduction) matter in explaining differences? What role and impact do gender politics and women’s mobilization have on trajectories of change?


Thank you very much to all participants for making esa torino an outstanding conference.