Crisis, critique and change: professions and professionalism in challenging times
In a context of social, political and economic breakdown, there is a pressing need to foster an understanding of the crisis and the role of critique in interpreting and affecting change. The focus of this session is the exploration of professions and occupational groups in the context of crisis, critique and change and we invite papers from sociologists and social scientists that address these themes.
We welcome conceptual and empirical papers that address the conference theme concerning professionalism and professional groups either in a single country or occupation or in a comparative perspective and we especially encourage submissions from PhD students.
- 01RN19 Sociology of Professions (open)
- a01RN19 Education Professionals in Changing Times
Jens-Christian Smeby, Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences – Chair
- b01RN19 Health Professions in Transition
Bridget Roe University of Nottingham Chair
- a02RN19 Academia and Professions
Lisa Wallander Centre for Profession Studies Malmö University – Chair
- a03RN19 Boundaries, Barriers, Coherence and Fragmentation in Professional Contexts
Mike Dent University of Staffordshire
- b03RN19 The Big Picture – Professions, States and Organising
Lara Maestripieri,, Laboratory of Social Policy / DAStU Polytechnic of Milan – Chair
- b04RN19 Change & Continuity in Social and Welfare Work
Ellen Kuhlmann University Campus Suffolk, UK University Siegen, Germany
- a05RN19 Health Professionals – Ethnographic Studies
Chair: Zoey Spendlove University of Nottingham
- b05RN19 Changing Professions – Newer Professions
Christiane Schnell Chair
- a06RN19 Innovation and Transformation – New Directions for Professionalism
Ruth McDonald University of Nottingham – Chair
- b06RN19 Challenge and Critique – Legal Professionals
Julia Evetts University of Nottingham – Chair
- a08RN19 Professionals, Professionalisation and Politics
Mike Saks M.Saks@UCS.AC.UK University Campus Suffolk; Chair
- a09RN19 State, subjectivity and autonomy in the context of caring professions
Lara Maestripieri,, Laboratory of Social Policy / DAStU Polytechnic of Milan – Chair
- c10RN19 Professions in Transition – Please Delete
- Poster16JS19 Poster Session
- PosterRN19 Poster Session