The aim of the RN26 (Sociology of Social Policy and Social Welfare network) is to provide a broad arena for the discussion, dissemination and development of research on all aspects of social policy and social welfare in Europe. Importantly, the network wants to make a difference by placing the emphasis on a sociological perspective on this topic. Its research agenda includes the theorizing, empirical analysis and evaluation welfare institutions, organisations and policies and how they connect with the living conditions of citizens. This embraces welfare provision in a broad sense, including fields such as social work or health care. For the 11th conference of the ESA, RN 26 suggests three thematic streams for its proceedings. For all streams, we welcome papers from scholars at various career stages (including doctoral students); however, papers should not be early stage sketches of research or PhD projects. One month prior to the conference (August 1), each presenter is required to send in at least a short version of his or her paper to the chairs of the RN. Each session will be accorded a moderator who, having read through the contributions, gives a short input covering all papers presented, in order to stimulate general discussion centering on common perspectives or distinctive differences displayed by these papers.